Friday, March 7, 2014


I'm responding to CNN article about if TV is bad for your health. They are saying due to TV people are dying at a younger age than what the usual age of death is. They are saying it is bad for your heart because of all of the different colors at once. I don't believe this article to be honest. I don't think people are dying because of TV. However I do believe TV is not good for your health. TV is not good for you if you watch it all the time. If you watch your TV watching limit you should be fine. Its okay to watch TV on occasions but not on a regular basis. I know our blog is about TV but even we believe to much TV is not good for you. I do not believe TV is killing people at a younger age though. That just doesn't sound right to me therefore i stand by my point and say bull spit about all this nonsense but you should cut back on your TV consumption if you watch TV on a regular basis. Go read a book once in a while or go outside. Its good for you. Get off the couch once in a while. Z.B.


  1. I agree with you people do need to cut back on there TV watching and i really dont think it is killing people.

  2. I find this to be a very informational post. I don't watch tv often, but when I do it is for only a short time. After reading this, I can only disagree with what it has to say. I surely do believe tv is consuming todays children. Something needs to be done, or changed in order for people to actually realize what tv is doing them. The children today need to become more active and participate in more outdoor activities, rather than sitting inside and watching tv all day.

  3. I totally agree with CNN TV is evil and is killing people around the world. I think that any amount of TV will sooner or later kill you. we all need to go throw are TVs in the trash before we all die.

  4. i believe that tv can screw with your eyes but i dont know about killing people maby by getting them lazy

  5. This is a very informative post, I absolutely agree with you. I.S.
